Monday, November 14, 2011

Attorney has ignored me, and now my deadline is up! Employment law and WC question??

I hired a workers comp attny last year to cover an injury I received on the job. Not much happened over the first six months other than going to see doctors and getting medications. It was obvious that I was terminated due to my inability to work so I decided to sue for wrongful termination. When I spoke with the dept. of labor, they told me I was too late. 180 days was my time limit. My attny. never explained this to me, ever! I did receive a "right-to-sue" letter and when I had enough cash for a consultation w/ an employment law attny, I went. At the consultation, the EL attny explained that my deadline for filing a complaint with a RTS letter was 90 days. I was one week away! Fortunately, he told me that it would only take one day to file the complaint, but first, he had to determine whether I had a winning case or not. At that point, he said I had a 20-30% chance. Not too good, but he'd do some research and get back with me. He never did. I left several messages and even spoke.....

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